Jocelyn: I called the library and said you had bronchitis. Anne Marie's moving your indigenous peoples meeting to next week.
Sylvia: I should go in.
Allegra: Pam Gower did her law degree at Bolt, passed the bar in 2002.
Sylvia: She's an infant.
Allegra: She joined the firm of Perry, Liebman, Avila in 2006. Says here she was divorced in 2005.
Jocelyn: Bitch. She went right for Daniel.
Allegra: She's 45.
Sylvia: She's not even young.
Jocelyn: Do you think he has a brain tumor?
Sylvia: I think he fell in love.
Jocelyn: Well, I'm rooting for the brain tumor. People our age don't fall in love. I mean, I've never even been in love.
Allegra: You've never been in love?
Jocelyn: I've had sexual partners. I mean, I don't know. I wouldn't mind falling in love, but it just all seems like fiction to me, anyway.
Sylvia: Well, for a fiction, he just threw 20 years of marriage away on an impulse. Do you think he was thinking, the whole time, "I can't wait to get out of here?" Am I really that uninteresting?
Allegra: No.
Sylvia: I can't believe I'm alone at this age.
Allegra: Mom, you're not alone.
Jocelyn: And listen to me. Alone's not the end of the world. For as many years as you've been married I've been quite happily unmarried.
Sylvia: It's just so unfair. He can start his life over again. And at this age. You know, men can do that. Women... It's over.
Allegra: You're beautiful, Mommy.
Jocelyn: Yes, and accomplished and interesting. You're not without your options, Sylvia.
Sylvia: Daniel's the one with options. He can sleep with anyone. Twenty-year-olds. People will say, "Way to go, Daniel." If I tried to sleep with someone that age, it'd be pathetic.
Allegra: Well, yeah, that's 'cause guys my age are lame.
Sylvia: My body will become a museum.
Jocelyn: No, it won't.
Allegra: We'll get you a membership to my gym. You might even meet somebody.
Sylvia: I don't wanna meet someone. I wanna pull the covers over my head and read novels. And eat. I'm starving. Allegra, mija, go get me a dozen eggs. I'm gonna make a flan.
Allegra: Okay.
Jocelyn: Can you stay with her this weekend?
Allegra: Actually, I'm moving back in.
Jocelyn: Really?
Allegra: My lease is almost up and, you know, I won't let her be here alone.
Jocelyn: Oh, sweetie, that's... Thank you. You're amazing. See, that's why people have children.
1. pass the bar (exam)
這個俚語的意思是“通過律師資格考試”,比如:A self-made man, he read the law on his own until he could pass the bar examination. 他是個靠自己奮斗成功的人,他自學了法律,直到通過律師資格考試。
這個片語的意思是“cheer on, give moral support to, take sides with; align oneself with; show strong sympathy for支持,同情,和……站在一邊”,比如:The fans were out rooting for their team. 球迷們跑出去支持他們的球隊。