Book Description:
"Married girls in New York these days put almost as much effort into losing husbands as they once did into finding them." When Sylvie Mortimer's husband, Hunter, gets called away for business on the second day of their Mexican honeymoon, Sylvie meets fellow Manhattanite Lauren Blount, in town for her divorce honeymoon, and Lauren takes the abandoned newlywed under her wing. Back in New York, Sylvie, working on the cheap for fashion designer friend Thackeray Johnston, brings a grounded perspective to Lauren's world of the rich, well-connected and freshly single, a world of theme parties (divorce showers, power christenings) and modest goals (make out with five men before Memorial Day, hook up their own surround sound). Meanwhile, Hunter's blossoming career as a television producer makes him a prime target for "husband huntresses," including his notorious co-worker Sophia D'Arlan. With Hunter acting secretive, Sophia popping up everywhere and Lauren egging her on, Sylvie sees her own divorce shower in the works.
About Author:
Plum Sykes was born in London on 4 December 1969. In 1993 Plum Sykes became a fashion assistant at British Vogue, and in 1997 Sykes became a contributing editor on fashion for American Vogue. Bergdorf Blondes was her first novel,