Shuiguan Expressway expansion completed
Updated: 2011-07-05 14:51

Shuiguan Expressway has become the widest expressway in China after renovations turned it into a two-way 10-lane road.
The 20-km road links Meilin with Longgang where most Universiade sports venues are.
The project which expanded the road from four lanes to 10 lanes cost 1.1 billion yuan (US$169 million) and took two years to complete, according to sources from expressway investor Huayu Investment and Development Group.
The road, linking downtown Shenzhen with Longgang District and Pingshan New Zone, was built 10 years ago and with a maximum designed speed of 80 kilometers per hour. Complaints mainly centered on poor road condition, no road lighting, traffic accidents and congestion.
Police advised motorists to drive below the maximum speed of 80 kilometers per hour after speeding and illegally changing lanes had increased following the renovations.

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