Working as a Universiade volunteer

2011-08-25 09:56

Chen Xiaobai, a security guard of Shenzhen Universiade, shares her story of volunteer work at Bao'an District Stadium. Although the work is tiring, Chen said she loves to work with all her fellow volunteers as a team: "Teamwork never stops fascinating me."

Party starts as Universiade ends

2011-08-24 09:35

Cheering fans resembled a wave circling Shenzhen's Window of the World, a theme park hosting Universiade's closing ceremony. At 8:00 pm Tuesday, when the lights dimmed, 500 performers ran to the stage to present the theme of the closing ceremony: "Shenzhen Party".

Sumptuous seafood in Shenzhen

2011-08-24 09:53

Fresh, flavorful seafood lines the streets outside Laojie Station in Shenzhen. There's no need for a menu; you can pick your tasty meal right from the tank. And the best part of all? Eating good seafood won't break your bank.

Athletes test doping knowledge

2011-08-23 18:41

While athletes are competing for gold medals on the field of play, officials are carrying out tests inside Shenzhen's Universiade Village.

Bring a smile to Universiade fans

2011-08-22 15:02

You can't see their faces, so you won't recognize them. But they are there. They are part of the ongoing Universiade 2011. They are the volunteers.

Sport presentation

2011-08-19 09:26

In addition to the competition management, the Shenzhen organizing committee placed great focus on turning the Universiade into a dazzling sports show. What makes these games all the more entertaining is the presentation of the sports themselves.

Music therapy center

2011-08-17 15:50

Ke Bo has been working as a music therapist for many years in Shenzhen. When he found out the city was chosen to host the 26th summer Universiade, he decided to bring his team to provide music therapy service in the Universiade Village.

Dafen village in Shenzhen

2011-08-16 10:01

Located in Shenzhen's Buji town, covering an area of 0.4 square km, Dafen village is the most influential oil painting base in the world.

It is about the Universiade

2011-08-13 16:40

China Daily reporter Ariel Huang and Andrew Xing are lucky to be able to witness the opening ceremony of Universiade 2011 at the site in Shenzhen on August 12. They find out that audience are very excited about the sports gala.

Countdown to Universiade 2011

2011-08-13 15:50

Anticipation is growing with every step that the torch bearers of the 26th Summer Universiade flame have taken towards the Spring Cocoon stadium. It is a little under three hours to go before the opening ceremony starts. Let's join Andrew Xing for a live report in the stadium.

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About Shenzhen

Shenzhen is located at the southern tip of the Chinese mainland on the eastern bank of the mouth of the Pearl River and neighbors Hong Kong.

The brainchild of Deng Xiaoping, the country's first special economic zone was established here by the Chinese Government in 1980. It has been a touchstone for China's reform and opening-up policy since then.
