Universiade Village officials, workers earn a gold

2011-08-21 14:55

More than half the events at the Universiade have finished, and that means the Universiade Village is more than halfway through its brief but colorful life.

Since it opened on Aug 6, the Village has been operating smoothly, Xuan Zhuxi, the deputy mayor of the Village, said at a press conference.

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Special Belgian spectators at Shenzhen Universiade

2011-08-19 10:44

When the "smallest" spectator was found in the audience seat of the Unviersiade fencing venue here on Thursday, all people focused on the 15-month-old baby girl and her family instead of fencers.

Monks get in on the act with special kungfu show

2011-08-18 18:26

A group of 34 monks brought their Shaolin kungfu performance to the Universiade Village theater stage. Shaolin Kungfu in the Wind combines Chinese dance and martial arts. The group consists of kungfu masters aged 12 to 26.

Buzz on microblog a nice shot for Universiade

2011-08-18 18:13

Xia Danli logs on the official page for Shenzhen Universiade after she sits down at the office, and then begins her routine: replying to followers' messages, forwarding useful information on the host city and most importantly, reporting on the big games.

Cheerleaders light up beach volleyball court

2011-08-17 16:51

Cheerleaders are the most attractive scene on the court of Universiade beach volleyball event.

Feature: Compete to enjoy

2011-08-16 09:21

Three days to go for the Shenzhen Universiade badminton competition, a short black young man entered the gymnasium, taking out the racket, but found no one on the other side of the net.

Sports helps former basketballer travel 70 countries

2011-08-15 17:23

Nels Hawkinson, a former American basketball player, had left his footprint on 70 different countries until his appearance as the deputy head of the US delegation in Shenzhen for the 26th summer Universiade.

Universtiy students should be encouraged to play sports

2011-08-15 16:18

More students should be encouraged to play sports, said a university president at the World University Presidents Forum on Sunday.

Chinese language popular in village

2011-08-15 10:10

Learning Chinese is becoming popular in the Universiade Village in Longgang District, where more than 7,800 foreigners from more than 150 countries and regions are staying.

Universiade volunteer focuses on teamwork

2011-08-13 16:20

A security guard of Shenzhen Universaide shares her story of volunteer work at Bao'an District Stadium.

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About Shenzhen

Shenzhen is located at the southern tip of the Chinese mainland on the eastern bank of the mouth of the Pearl River and neighbors Hong Kong.

The brainchild of Deng Xiaoping, the country's first special economic zone was established here by the Chinese Government in 1980. It has been a touchstone for China's reform and opening-up policy since then.
