Bilingual traffic signs erected around Universiade venues
Updated: 2011-08-04 09:39

Shenzhen transport commission erected new bilingual traffic direction signs on major city roads and roads around Universiade venues and hotels on July 31.
The bilingual signs were worded according to The Chinese-English Dictionary of Public Signs in Shenzhen which was compiled by the Foreign Affairs Office of the Shenzhen Municipal Government and Shenzhen Translators’ Association.
The association was founded in 2005 by Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen Polytechnic and the Shenzhen Daily.
In a five-month campaign to standardize poorly or wrongly translated road signs, the Shenzhen transport commission found 2,387 signs with language problems and took down 3,562 road signs that were illegally erected on 175 roads.
Traffic information on the signs indicates the names of trunk roads, roads connecting with main roads and lane indicators.
The commission also opened the newly designated 155-km special lane for buses August 1. Only buses, or yellow plate vehicles with more than 10 seats, are allowed between 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m

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