To future new media,
I am very happy to write to you in the year of 2011. Why do I want to do this? Because I have four suggestions to you. With these four suggestions, you will benefit us more so that we can say you have accomplished your mission.
Firstly, you should be universal and should be mastered by the mass. No one will accept the fact that you are controlled only by those so-called wealth people. If that happened, the gap between the rich and the poor would be widened. You should make everyone have an access to yourself. It is unreasonable and unfair that you are touched by one person and not to be touched by others.
Secondly, you should have the quality of service and public benefits. You are from the society and of course you are one of the servants in the society. What you do should be in line with the public benefits. Anything that is against the public benefits or has side effects on the public is not allowed. Keep this in mind and you will be welcomed by people all over the world.
Thirdly, you should have your own culture. This is unique and it is only of your own. Culture is something inner. It is invisible and untouchable. Only under the circumstance of communication and exchange do people realize that you are not just empty. Furthermore, you are able to use your culture to conduct various visits and exchanges around the world. You are very interested in it, aren't you?
Last but not the least, you should be loyal and honest. You are not supposed to leak personal information unless you are under some special tasks. Obviously, it is an issue of privacy. I do not want to see the situation that you benefit groups of people at the cost of other groups. This is unethical and no one would like it. You should always keep in mind that we trust you and you in return, should absolutely trust us.
I think I have said what I want to say to you. It is easier said than done. What I am able to do is to give suggestions and what you can do is to try to follow these suggestions. Try your best!
(By Liang Yupeng?Editor: Cui Xuyan) |