Newland: You know, I hardly remembered you.
Ellen: Hardly remembered?
Newland: I mean, each time is the same. You happen to me all over again.
Ellen: Yes, I know. For me too.
Newland: Ellen, we can't stay like this. It can't last.
Ellen: I think we should look at reality, not dreams.
Newland: I just want us to be together.
Ellen: I can't be your wife, Newland. Is it your idea I should live with you as your mistress?
Newland: Somehow I want to get away with you and find a world where words like that don't exist.
Ellen: Oh, my dear. Where is that country? Have you ever been there? Is there anywhere we can be happy behind the backs of people who trust us?
Newland: I'mbeyond caring about that.
Ellen: No, you're not. You've never been beyond that. I have. I know what it looks like. It's no place for us. Why are we stopping? This isn't Granny's.
Newland: I'll get out here. You were right, I shouldn't have come today.
May: What are you reading?
Newland: It's a book about Japan.
May: Why?
Newland: I don't know. Because it's a different country.
May: You used to read poetry. It was so nice when you read it to me. Newland, you'll catch your death.
Newland: Of course.
Voiceover: But then he realized, "I am dead. I've been dead for months and months." Then it occurred to him that she might die. People did. Young people, healthy people did. She might die and set him free.
May: Newland.
Newland: Ellen, I have to see you. I knew you were leaving again.
Ellen: I'm not leaving. Granny's asked me to stay and take care of her.
Newland: Then we have to talk now.
Ellen: I'm due at Regina's. Granny lent me her carriage. I know, Granny says Beaufort's a scoundrel, but so is my husband and the family still wants me to go back to him. Only Granny understands. She's even seen to my allowance.
Newland: I have to see you somewhere we can be alone.
Ellen: In New York?
Newland: Alone. Somewhere we can be alone. The art museum in the park. 2:30 tomorrow. I'll be at the door. You came to New York because you were afraid.
Ellen: Afraid?
Newland: Of my coming to Washington.
Ellen: I thought I would be safer.
Newland: Safer from me? Ellen? Safer from loving me?
Ellen: Shall I come to you once and then go home?
Newland: Come to me once then.
Ellen: When?
Newland: Tomorrow.
Ellen: The day after.
妙語佳句 活學活用
1. You happen to me all over again: 你每次都帶給我全新的感受。
2. beyond caring: 毫不在意,毫不關心;不管。例如:
It seems to me that he's beyond caring about what anybody does.
3. catch your death: 得致命的?。ㄟ@里指受寒感冒)。例如:
Don't go out without a coat: you'll catch your death.
4. it occurred to him that: 他突然想到。例如:
It occurred to him that it would be a fun thing to throw the dog out of the window.
5. due: 預定應到的,應到達的,應出席的。例如:
When is the plane due at Beijing? 飛機預定什么時間到達北京?
6. scoundrel: 流氓,惡棍,無賴。
7.see to my allowance: 負責我的生活費。see to的意思是“負責,照料”。例如:
Your attendants must see to the needs of your customers.