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  • Finals for innovation contest concludes in Beijing 2018-08-22

    The finals for the third China Chuangyu Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition concluded in Beijing on Aug 11.

  • Beijing-developed robots rock at world conference 2018-08-21

    Mechanical mutts meander through the crowd as robot bats flutter over the heads of awed attendees, many of whom watch a fully-automated rock band kick out the jams or a full-size android Yao Ming shoot hoops. This was the scene at last week's 2018 World Robot Conference in Beijing.

  • Old agricultural area now booming as high-tech cluster 2018-08-21

    Back in 1992, the land now occupied by the Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area, also known as Beijing E-Town, was one of the capital's agricultural areas. Nowadays, however, it has evolved into an important and dynamic national high-tech cluster, home to about 80 Fortune Global 500 companies.

  • Robot makers eye innovation to tackle challenges 2018-08-17

    Softly whirring robotic arms five meters tall lifts up a car weighing nearly two tons and moves it around in the air, as a crowd of visitors below hold up their phones to record and take pictures.

  • Cutting-edge robots impress at expo 2018-08-17

    2018 World Robot Conference (WRC 2018), running until Aug 19, is themed around “Creating Intelligent Momentum for a New Era of Openness and Shared Benefits” and consists of four major sections: forums, expositions, competitions, and control systems.

  • 2018 World Robot Conference opens in Beijing 2018-08-16

    A life-size robot that looks like Chinese basketball star Yao Ming shot during the 2018 World Robot Conference in Beijing, Aug 15, 2018.
