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  • Eight enterprises chosen to experiment on new management 2016-07-22

    Youcare, Capital Engineering & Research, Bayer,China Nuclear Contro,CGGC-UN Power, China Electronics Technology, Aerospace Expedition, Junlifang becoming Beijing's experimental sites.

  • CNCS tests its nuclear power equipment 2016-07-22

    A nuclear power model machine, developed by China National Nuclear Power Control System Co., Ltd. and based on the NicSys 2000 platform, has passed evaluation by a group of 19 experts from Xiapu Nuclear, China Nuclear Control and other related organizations.

  • List of innovative companies released 2016-07-22

    The National Equities Exchange and Quotations Company recently released its list of innovative companies.

  • Staidson profit reaches 100 million yuan 2016-07-19

    Staidson announced that its profit in the first half of 2016 reached 100 million yuan, an increase of 10 percent from the previous year.

  • SUPERCLOUD aims to be super integration data center 2016-07-19

    The CEO of SUPERCLOUD, Fang Yuzhen, says SUPERCLOUD will become the leading brand of super integration data centers and create an independent, incredible "Data Center 4.0".

  • Zest Bridge Advertisement Company to be listed 2016-07-19

    Zest Bridge Advertisement Company, a high-tech medical communication firm, has announced it will soon be listed on the stock market.
