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  • Making life easier, safer and greener 2018-11-21

    This year marks the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up. China Daily interviewed top executives of well-known multinational companies for their views on the country's socioeconomic development.

  • Mobile commerce is the next big market for global merchants 2018-11-21

    Mobile commerce is the next lucrative market for global merchants and China will continue to remain the largest e-commerce market in the world in the next four years, according to a new report by Worldpay, a global leader in payments.

  • BDA gets 10 more intelligent manufacturing firms 2018-11-20

    The number of intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration enterprises in Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area (BDA) has risen to 19, with 10 new companies added to the list, according to local media.

  • New musical staged in BDA 2018-11-20

    A new musical, performed by artists from Beijing Chinese Orchestra, was staged in Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area (BDA) on Nov 2.

  • Tech firms swear by AI's ability to smarten finance 2018-11-19

    BEIJING - China's technology companies have gradually transformed the country's financial sector by incorporating artificial intelligence into their services.

  • China harnessing new logistics technology 2018-11-16

    China's cross-border e-commerce sector has developed rapidly. In 2017, the transaction scale exceeded 8 trillion yuan ($1.15 trillion; 1 trillion euros; £891 billion), of which the cross-border retail market accounted for about 15 percent.
