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  • Big steps in SOE mixed-ownership reform 2017-07-05

    Mixed-ownership reform of a number of central State-owned enterprises is expected to be approved within the third quarter of this year.

  • Top 10 most business 'friendly' cities in China 2017-07-04

    Beijing is the most attractive city for business in China, followed by Shanghai and Guangzhou, capital city of Guangdong province, a study by media outlet CBN Weekly showed.

  • Art festival opens in E-town 2017-07-03

    An artistic performance took place at Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area (E-town) on June 29.

  • Finnish delegation tours Mobile E-Town 2017-07-03

    A Finnish delegation visited Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area (E-town) on June 27, with the aim of strengthening Sino-Finnish ties and seeking further cooperation between E-town and Finnish companies.

  • China's resolve for SOE reform undampened 2017-06-29

    With specific goals and a clear timetable, China is determined to improve the efficiency of state-owned enterprises.

  • Quotable quotes at 2017 Summer Davos 2017-06-28

    The 2017 Summer Davos in Dalian, Northeast China's Liaoning province, has provided good opportunities for politicians, experts and business leaders to share their views on issues of common concerns.
