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A total of 14 overseas Chinese startup groups from the US presented their innovative projects in Jiading district of Shanghai on July 13.Read more

Shanghai Animation Industry Association announced the launch of an original intellectual property (IP) committee in Nanxiang town's Huanqiu Economic City, Jiading district, on July 5.Read more

The auto industry exclusive 2017 Technology Innovation Training Camp took place in Waigang town, Shanghai's Jiading district on June 28-29.Read more

Shanghai's Jiading district government signed a memorandum of strategic cooperation with the Shanghai Financial Services Office on July 3 to strengthen the role of finance in serving Jiading's social and economic development.Read more

Shanghai's Jiading District People's Court signed a cooperation agreement with the East China University of Political Science and Law on June 28.Read more

Residents in Shanghai's Jiading district are now able to deal with administrative approval procedures completely online, after the local government recently moved to streamline approval procedures for 54 kinds of projects.Read more

The TEEC Shanghai Center, a platform for promoting industrial innovation, was inaugurated in Jiading district, Shanghai, on June 23.Read more

More than 300 intellectual property rights experts gathered in Juyuan New Area in Shanghai's Jiading district on June 16 to attend the 2017 Intellectual Property Commercialization Operation Conference.Read more



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
