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An international forum on intelligent vehicle technologies recently took place in Jiading district, Shanghai, on July 14.Read more

Jiading district of Shanghai recently introduced 30 government policies to accelerate the development of local strategic emerging industries.Read more

A forum on artificial intelligence opened in Jiangqiao town of Jiading district, Shanghai on July 4, with the participation of government leaders, experts and scholars.Read more

The Jiading government signed a strategic agreement with eight research institutes at a symposium on July 12.Read more

A total of nine business incubators in the Jiading Industrial Zone of Shanghai were inaugurated at a business incubator show on June 6.Read more

Jiading district of Shanghai is endeavoring to build a core region highlighting scientific and technological innovation and featuring convenient transportation, adequate infrastructure facilities and a complete range of services.Read more

An e-commerce-themed forum was recently held in Nanxiang town, Jiading district of Shanghai, local media reported on July 4.Read more

Internet of Things (IOT) and integrated circuits have become one of the key industries in Jiading district of Shanghai, according to Gao Yun, head of the district, at the China International Internet of Things Conference on June 29.Read more



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
