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Agricultural Bank of China Jiading branch hosted a meeting for local e-commerce companies to exchange ideas over banking polices for the trade on March 22.Read more

Auto Space, an entrepreneurship platform for auto industry in Jiading district of Shanghai, struck a deal with Roland Berger Strategy Consultants at the district's Anting Auto Innovation Park on March 11.Read more

Jiading government officials met with leaders of the Shanghai University of Engineering Science on March 8 to exchange ideas about mutual cooperation.Read more

The Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Sciences recently struck a deal with the Jiading Industrial Zone.Read more

The Shanghai-based SIAC Motor Corp recently struck a deal with the city's Jiading district government to work together to promote new energy vehicle rental service.Read more

Jiading district government in the city of Shanghai struck a deal with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Shanghai branch on Feb 18.Read more

The Shanghai Marco Polo E-commerce Co, located at the Jiading Export Processing Zone, recently signed a cooperation agreement with the Shanghai Cross-border E-commerce Public Service Co.Read more

The Shanghai International Automobile City, located in Jiading district's Anting town, recently struck a deal with the State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electronic Power Company to further promote its electric-car rental service EVCARD in the city.Read more



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
