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Shanghai Jiading Financial Valley and Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ) attended the third China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services (Beijing Fair) on May 28, 2014, as co-exhibitors.Read more

Shanghai’s Sun Hua Logistics Co private enterprise in the district of Jiading to be listed on the Shanghai Equity Exchange’s E board, on May 27.Read more

The Jiading Industrial Zone in Shanghai recently signed a cooperation agreement with Shanghai Bank.Read more

On the morning of May 21st, 2014, the opening ceremony of the Schindler Group's new escalator factory was held in Jiading District, Shanghai.Read more

The 2014 China Automobile Aftermarket Forum was held recently in Anting town of Shanghai’s Jiading district.Read more

A new residential building named MAX Future in Jiangqiao town, Shanghai’s Jiading district, has witnessed brisk sales recently.Read more

China Mobile Communications Corporation Ltd, known as China Mobile, held a news conference on the commercial rollout of its fourth-generation mobile network service in Shanghai’s Jiading district at the Blue Palace Hotel on May 15.Read more

Taicang and Shanghai's Jiading district have signed an agreement to strengthen cooperation in environmental protection, ecological civilization and sustainable development.Read more



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
