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Shanghai’s Jiading district signed a cooperation framework agreement with the Shanghai branch of China Telecom to jointly promote the construction of a smart city in the district.Read more

Shanghai’s Jiading district recently signed a cooperation framework agreement with Huawei Technologies Co to jointly promote the construction of a smart city in the district.Read more

Jiading district in northwestern Shanghai is expected to launch a three-year 30 billion yuan ($4.88 billion) expansion project as it moves to become an international automobile city.Read more

The chamber of commerce in the industrial zone of Shanghai’s Jiading district founded a special branch for advertising and the creativity industry on August 12.Read more

Shanghai unit to play key role in the sustainable growth plans of Swedish firmRead more

A symposium on the taxation of Shanghai’s e-businesses was recently held in Shanghai’s Jiading district.Read more

The Jiading district of Shanghai says it will begin providing an EV rental service this October with the aim of developing a model for e-vehicles.Read more

Jiading district continued to speed up its financial development with the aim of creating a silicon valley of business services in the first half of the year.Read more



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
