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Jiading district in Shanghai will be home to the EU-China Science and Technology Finance Center.Read more

An association aimed at promoting exchanges among listed companies was inaugurated in Jiading district of Shanghai on June 28.Read more

Authorities in Nanxiang town, Jiading district of Shanghai announced the opening of the Nanxiang Entrepreneurship Association at the Nanxiang Shineland Industrial Park on June 15.Read more

The Shanghai International Automobile City in Jiading district struck a deal with Tongji University on June 5.Read more

The Hungarian city of Pecs signed a memorandum with Shanghai's Jiading district on May 23 to establish friendly relations between the two areas, as its mayor Pava Zsolt visited Jiading on May 23.Read more

LeSEE, the supercar division of a Chinese Internet company LeEco Holdings Ltd, reached a deal with the Shanghai International Automobile City in Jiading district on May 15.Read more

The Shanghai International Automobile City in Jiading district struck a trio of deals with the National Eastern Tech-Transfer Center, Tsinghua University, and Shanghai Motor Vehicle Inspection Center on May 11.Read more

The Shanghai Huachen Biological Reagents Co recently has struck a deal with Jiangqiao town, Jiading district of Shanghai, to set up its R&D headquarters in the town.Read more



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
