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Shanghai's Jiading district and Henan's Luoyang city signed a strategic agreement in August in a bid to establish a long-term system to boost cooperation.Read more

Shanghai's Jiading district strives to keep a clean image and increase public health awareness as it embraces its triennial inspection.Read more

The second phase of Shanghai's subway Line 11 - between Jiangsu Road Station and Luoshan Road Station - began operation on August 31.Read more

The opening ceremony of the 2013 Shanghai High-Tech Expo was held in the city's Automobile Exhibition Center on August 29.Read more

Shanghai's district of Jiading established a legal cultural center on Xingxian Road, Jiading industrial zoneRead more

The seventh China-Australia-Asia Pacific Forum for Minimally Invasive Gynecology was held in the Maternal and Child Care Hospital of Shanghai's Jiading district.Read more

The opening ceremony of the fourth Nine-Minute Film-Making Competition - co-organized by Beijing Film Academy and China Film Critics Society – was held in Shanghai's Jiading district.Read more

Over 50 photographs of lotus flowers shot by 11 retired journalists in Shanghai went on display as the Guyi Garden Photo Exhibition kicks off in Nanxiang in Shanghai's Jiading district.Read more

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Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
