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Shanghai's Jiading Hospital is planning building an 11-story expansion to better serve its local patients, local media reported on Feb 17.Read more

Juyuan New Area in Shanghai's Jiading district is building a 12,000 square meter park for the benefit of local residents, local media reported on Feb 20.Read more

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district recently made it onto the list of Shanghai Historic Landscape Conservation Zone, local media reported on Feb 17.Read more

About 500 students from the primary school affiliated with Shanghai's Jiading No 1 High School attended a special opening ceremony at the R&D center of Volvo Car China on Feb 16.Read more

Nanyuan Calligraphy and Painting Association in Shanghai's Jiading Industrial Zone hosted a cultural event on Feb 9.Read more

Juyuan Photography Association in Shanghai's Jiading district organized an exhibition to display 70 prizewinners from the past two years on Feb 10.Read more

A new cultural and sports center opened in the town of Anting town, Jiading district of Shanghai, on Feb 3.Read more

A Spring Festival celebration tour launched by the media department of Shanghai's Jiading district came to Waigang, a town in Jiading, on Feb 6, providing local residents with a cultural feast.Read more



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
