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An exhibition featuring Shoushan stone carvings is underway at the Han Tianheng Art Museum in Jiading district of Shanghai.Read more

The shadow-puppetry troupe entertained the audience at Shanghai Poly Grand Theater in Jiading district on Sept 14.

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Tuesday was China's 35th Teachers’ Day, and Shanghai's Jiading district held an awards ceremony to express respect for teachers.

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Shanghai's Jiading district has ramped up its increasing efforts to build a city of innovation and vitality.

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A reading month activity that held in Shanghai's Jiading district wrapped up on Aug 30, local media reported.

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Typhoon Lingling, international code – 1913 -- will be on its way to the south of the East China Sea by the afternoon of Sept 5.Read more

A team of three middle school students from Shanghai's Jiading district came top at the national AI challenge in mid-August.

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Movable typography and 3D printing, a high-end tech-savvy modern technology, combined into a great topic for a lecture held recently in Shanghai's Jiading district.

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Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
