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A youth innovation alliance of the Yangtze River Delta region (YRD) was launched at a sci-tech innovation forum in Jiading district, Shanghai, on Dec 7.Read more

A total of 21 individuals and 46 projects received awards on Nov 30 for their outstanding contributions to the scientific progress and development of Jiading district, Shanghai.Read more

A special concert for the Shanghai alumni of global universities took place in Jiading district on Dec 1.Read more

Nanxiang town in Shanghai's Jiading district inked a deal with the Shanghai UUCMM Cultural Multimedia Co on Nov 29 to innovatively promote local intangible cultural heritage Nanxiang xiaolongbao.Read more

A research society on Gui Youguang (1507–1571), a renowned Chinese writer of Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), was launched in Jiading district, Shanghai, on Nov 30.Read more

Therese Healy, consul general of Ireland in Shanghai, visited the city's Jiading district on Nov 22 to take in some Xuhang straw weaving.Read more

Residents in Jiading district, Shanghai, got the opportunity to enjoy a feast of intangible cultural heritages, as several of them were staged in the district from Nov 17 to 24.Read more

The first Yangtze River Delta (YRD) Technology Trade Fair is scheduled to take place from Nov 28 to 30 at Shanghai Automobile Exhibition Center in Jiading district, shanghai, according to a press conference held on Nov 21.Read more



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
