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Visitor numbers at scenic spots across Jiading, Shanghai, over the National Day holiday (Oct 1-7) rose by a quarter year-on-year.Read more

A Taiwan-featured commercial complex, dubbed Taipei Town, opened in the Jiading district of Shanghai on July 30.Read more

A kayaking competition was held in Nanxiang town, Jiading district of Shanghai on July 16, with participation of numerous kayaking enthusiasts and local residents.Read more

Nanxiang Dream Show, a talent contest for Nanxiang residents in the Jiading district of Shanghai, came to an end on the evening of July 7.Read more

Nanxiang, a town in the Jiading District of Shanghai, released its chronicles titled, "Annals of Nanxiang" (1988-2011) on July 6.Read more

Jiading will strengthen its efforts in credit information collection and sharing, as well as construction of an effective credit-oriented reward and punishment system.Read more

A group of experts in intangible cultural heritages paid a visit to Xuhang town of Jiading district, Shanghai on July 8, to gain a better understanding of current developments in Xuhang straw weaving and help it advance.Read more

The final of a youth opera competition was recently staged in Jiading district of Shanghai.Read more



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
