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A culture and sport service center in Anting town, Jiading district of Shanghai has built a digital space to provide local children with an opportunity to experience cutting-edge technology.Read more

A special program of 50 shows including concerts, dances and dramas will be staged at the Shanghai Poly Grand Theatre in Jiading district in celebration of the theatre's 3rd anniversary.Read more

The Shanghai Jiading World Foreign Language School started the construction of its middle school project on Aug 18.Read more

The classic children's story of Aladdin and Princess was performed at the Shanghai Dingdang Drama Society at Xuhang town in Jiading district, Shanghai on Aug 23.Read more

Tongji University and Shanghai Art & Design Academy in Jiading district, Shanghai have been praised for improving students' innovative and entrepreneurial capacity, by the Ministry of Education.Read more

Jiangqiao town in Shanghai's Jiading district agreed to strengthen cooperation with Huangpu district on education during a meeting between the two districts' education authorities and the Jiangqiao government on Aug 15.Read more

Shanghai's Jiading New City will be the site of the latest branch of Shanghai Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.Read more

The first stage of the new North Jiading Country Park is to start trial operation in Jiading district, Shanghai, on Sept 23.Read more



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
