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Shanghai's Jiading district will establish a private foreign language school with JuneYao Group, a Shanghai-based conglomerate.Read more

State-owned enterprises in Jiading district offered 11 job opportunities to physically-impaired university graduates at a job fair on May 17.Read more

Jiading library released a map showing all public reading space in the district on May 10, in a bid to help book-lovers to read whenever they want.Read more

Shanghai will take efforts to become electric vehicle-friendly within five years, according to an initiative by the municipal government on May 8.Read more

More than 20 paintings on scenic views in Dayun village of Malu town in Jiading are currently exhibited at the Culture and Sports Service Center in Jiading New City.Read more

A research center for agricultural technology and chemical fertilizer was recently set up in Jiading district.Read more

Li Yi, an entrepreneur in Shanghai, has built a museum for his collection of more than 1,400 commercial model vehicles in Jiading district.Read more

More than 500 elderly people from 35 running teams of the city joined a run on May 3 in the Century Park in Xuhang town, Jiading district.Read more



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
