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Jiangqiao town in Shanghai's Jiading district recently held a summer vacation activity related to palm-leaf knitting .

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12 scientists from the Shanghai Typhoon Institute arrived at Zhujiajian Island in the Zhoushan Archipelago on Aug 8.Read more

Two dance dramas will be held at Shanghai Poly Grand Theatre in Shanghai's Jiading district in October, and two famous dancers – Yang Liping and Li Yugang – will offer up a pair of spectacular performances for audiences.

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An international youth friendship camp was launched in Shanghai's Jiading district on July 30.Read more

Every day, 1,800 tons of domestic waste in Jiading district are conveyed to the Jiading Renewable Energy Utilization Center in Waigang town for reuse.Read more

A chorus made up of 32 Norwegian teens performed in Jiading's Malu Grape Park on July 13, stirring up a frenzy of unbridled passion and excitement among visitors inside.Read more

The 2019 Wenxing Grape Picking Festival opened in Huating town in Jiading district of Shanghai on July 7. One of the many agricultural tourism activities in Huating, the festival has been held for seven years.Read more

A total of 190 fines were issued in Shanghai in the past week since domestic waste management measures were implemented on July 1, Shanghai's urban management and law enforcement bureau said on Sunday.Read more



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
