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The branch of Shanghai's Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital's (EHSH) construction is to be completed soon.Read more

The opening ceremony of the "2015 Return of Jiading's Young Talents" was launched in Shanghai's Jiading district on July 17.Read more

A documentary about Jiading, produced by the Jiading TV Station in Shanghai, recently went on air, the local media reported on July 17.Read more

Jiading district in Shanghai will embrace more graduates from Taiwan, providing them with work experience and job opportunities.Read more

Charm of Cheongsam, an exhibition showing 100-year history of Shanghai cheongsam, is being held at the new pavilion of the Jiading Museum from July 1 to August 24.Read more

A new express subway, between Suzhou New District and Huaqiao International Service Business Park in Kunshan, will start construction at the end of the next year, according to a work conference on May 28.Read more

In order to show the glamor of Chinese paintings and ceramics, Shanghai will exhibit more than 80 porcelains at the 2015 Expo Milano in Italy this June.Read more

The Wisteria Park in Jiading district intends to start night tours next year to satisfy the large number of visitors swarming to the 10,000-square-meter park during wisteria blossom season.Read more



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.
